Dear Double T Varsity Club Members,
I am always excited to connect with letter winners from across many different eras and from various sports. It is an honor to serve as the executive director of the Double T Varsity Club, representing all of our former players, coaches, trainers and managers.
There are no paying fees for the DTVC as we appreciate the time and commitment you made to Texas Tech University. As a member of the DTVC your participation is vital to the present and future of our athletics department just as your contributions as a student-athlete donning the Double T were vital to our history.
We have a great opportunity right now to build the DTVC into one of the top letter winner organizations in the country. Kirby Hocutt has set high goals for this Athletics Department as well as all 17 sports in which we participate. There are National Championship expectations under his leadership and we should have that same level of expectation for the DTVC. In order for us to achieve this goal we need every former Texas Tech Letter Winner involved and engaged. The purpose of The Double T Varsity Club is to create, maintain, and embrace a spirit of loyalty and pride for Texas Tech University.
Will Culpepper